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How to Boost Sales with Video Marketing

August 08, 2024

Discover the power of video, effective strategies, and top tools to enhance your marketing and boost sales.
How to Boost Sales with Video Marketing

If you're looking to spice up your sales strategies and make a real impact, let's talk about how video marketing can be your new best friend. Here’s a comprehensive, yet totally approachable guide to using video marketing to boost your sales. We'll cover everything from the basics to some super cool tools and tips you can take advantage of straight away!

The Power of Video for Sales

Let's kick things off by diving into why video is such a powerhouse in the sales world. If you've been on the fence about integrating video into your sales strategy, this section is designed to walk you through its undeniable benefits.

  • Grabbing Attention - With the human brain processing visuals 60,000 times faster than text, video can hook your audience right from the start, making it an amazing tool in your marketing and sales arsenal.

  • Building Trust and Credibility - Trust is the cornerstone of every sale. Video provides a unique opportunity to create a more personal connection with your audience, allowing them to see and hear from you directly. 

  • Improving Conversion Rates - Videos keep visitors on your page longer, giving you more time to communicate your message and convince them to take action. You can also integrate forms and CTAs directly into your videos to boost your chances of conversion. Wistia's 2024 State of Video Report states that email capture forms can have 23% conversion rate and CTAs 13%, so it's something definitely worth trying out.

  • Enhancing Understanding of Products or Services - Through effective storytelling and visual demonstration, you can explain the features and benefits of your product, ensuring that potential customers fully understand and appreciate the value of what you're offering.

  • SEO Benefits - Google loves video. By incorporating video into your website and content strategy, you’re more likely to show up on the first page of search results. Videos encourage longer visit durations, lower bounce rates, and higher engagement rates—all signals that Google considers when ranking content.

  • Emotional Connection - Emotions drive purchases. A well-crafted video can evoke a range of emotions—excitement, empathy, happiness, curiosity—and these emotions play a pivotal role in decision-making. Video allows you to tell stories that resonate on an emotional level, which can make your brand more memorable and your products more desirable.

  • Measurable Metrics - With advanced analytics tools, you can track who watches your video, how much of the video they watch, and which parts they rewatch or skip. This data is invaluable as it helps you understand what resonates with your audience, allowing you to refine your approach and content for better result

Strategies for Effective Video Marketing

Let's talk about how to make video work for your business. Here are some killer strategies and best practices to get you started:

1. Understand Your Audience

Develop detailed buyer personas to understand the demographics, interests, and pain points of your target audience. Map out the customer journey and identify key stages where video content can influence purchase decisions.

2. Tell a Story and Focus on Benefits

People love stories. Instead of just listing features, create a narrative around your product. Show how it solves a problem or improves someone’s life. Emotional connections can drive sales better than dry facts and figures.

3. Keep it Short, Sweet and Sometimes Funny 

Attention spans are short, so keep your videos concise. Aim for around 1-2 minutes for most videos. Get to the point quickly, and make sure your message is clear. Don't forget that humour is a great way to spark emotion and start a conversation even through videos. Ensure your content is informative and helpful but also entertaining where possible.  

4. Optimise for Mobile

More and more people are watching videos on their phones. Ensure your videos are mobile-friendly. Use clear visuals, large text, and subtitles to make your content accessible on small screens.

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5. Include a Clear Call to Action

Don’t leave your viewers hanging. Tell them what you want them to do next - whether it's visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase. A strong call to action can significantly boost your conversion rates.

6. Use Testimonials and Reviews

Customer testimonials and reviews in video format can be incredibly persuasive. They provide social proof and show potential customers that real people are satisfied with your product or service.

7. Optimise for SEO

Ensure your videos are optimised for search engines. Use relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. Transcribe your videos and include the text on your webpage to improve searchability. A well-optimised video can rank high on both YouTube and Google search results, driving more organic traffic to your site.

8. Utilise Different Video Format for Every Stage of the Funnel

Different video formats serve different purposes and appeal to various audience preferences. Create videos tailored to different stages of the sales funnel to guide potential customers through their buying journey:

Top of the Funnel (Awareness): Focus on content that grabs attention and educates such as entertaining content, explainer or educational videos to attract a broad audience. Promote these videos through social media, blog posts, and YouTube to drive traffic to your website.

Middle of the Funnel (Consideration): Provide more detailed information and build trust with product demos, testimonials, and case studies. Send these videos via email campaigns or use them in retargeting ads to keep leads engaged and nurture them down the funnel. 

Bottom of the Funnel (Decision): The goal here is to turn leads into customers. Use personalised videos, detailed product reviews, and FAQ videos to address specific concerns and push leads towards making a purchase. Offer special promotions or discounts within these videos to incentivise action.

9. Distribute Strategically

Your distribution strategy is just as important as the content itself. Share your videos across multiple platforms, including your website, YouTube, social media channels, and email newsletters. Tailor each video to fit the platform it’s being shared on for maximum engagement.

10. Analyse and Optimise

Track the performance of your videos using analytics tools. Pay attention to metrics like view count, watch time, engagement, and conversion rates. Use this data to understand what works and what doesn’t, and continuously optimise your content and strategy based on these insights.

Implementing these strategies can help you create impactful video marketing campaigns that drive more sales and improve your overall marketing ROI.

Video Tools to Help Increase Conversion

Now that you have your strategy in place, let's talk about the tools that can help you bring your video marketing game to the next level. Here are some of the one we at BBD Boom love to use:


Riverside is a powerful tool designed for recording high-quality remote interviews, webinars or podcasts. It offers studio-quality recordings, video production and editing capabilities, as well as AI tools such as magic clips, audio clean-up, show notes and more.

Opus Clip

Opus Clip is an AI-powered tool that simplifies the process of creating short, engaging video clips from longer content. It's perfect for repurposing existing videos into social media-friendly snippets.


Clip Creator 

Clip Creator is a free AI HubSpot tool designed to automate the creation of engaging video content from text. It’s an excellent tool for marketers or sales reps looking to streamline their video production process.



VideoAsk is a unique tool that allows you to create interactive video experiences for your audience. It’s ideal for engaging with customers in a personalised way helping you nurture leads, close deals, collect feedback and testimonials and much more. 


Known for its graphic design capabilities, Canva also offers video editing tools. It’s user-friendly and perfect for creating eye-catching social media videos. They also now offer some AI tools to help the process such as Magic Media with which you can turn text into videos in seconds. 



This tool is excellent for businesses focused on driving sales through video. Vidyard offers advanced analytics, video personalisation, and seamless integration with CRM systems like HubSpot and Salesforce.


Ideal for creating quick, personal videos. Loom allows you to record your screen and webcam simultaneously, making it perfect for product demos, customer support, and personalised messages.


There you have it - a comprehensive guide to boosting your sales with video marketing. By understanding the power of video, implementing effective strategies, and utilising the right tools, you can create compelling video content that drives sales and grows your business.

Remember, the key is to be authentic and connect with your audience on a human level. So go ahead, grab your camera (or smartphone), and start creating! Happy filming! 🎥

For additional expert tips on video marketing and to learn how developing a personal brand can help boost sales, click below to watch our webinar with Adam Lewis, Co-Founder at BBD Boom and Chris van Praag, Account Executive at Supered and LinkedIn video master! 


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