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How to Customise HubSpot for Every Team

August 19, 2024

Discover how customising HubSpot for various teams within your organisation can ensure seamless platform adoption and better results.
How to Customise HubSpot for Every Team

HubSpot is a powerful platform that can be tailored to fit the unique needs of every team in your organisation. Whether you’re in marketing, sales, customer service, or operations, HubSpot offers a suite of tools and features that can streamline workflows and boost productivity. In this blog post, we'll explore practical ways to customise HubSpot for each team to make the most of its capabilities.

Why Customise HubSpot?

HubSpot is a powerful platform designed to help businesses streamline their marketing, sales, customer service, and operations. However, its true potential is unlocked when it is tailored to the specific needs of your organisation. Customising HubSpot offers numerous advantages that can transform how your teams work and drive significant business results. Let’s explore why investing time in customising HubSpot is a smart move:

Improved Efficiency

Customising HubSpot allows teams to focus on the tools and information that matter most to them, reducing time spent navigating irrelevant features. By streamlining the platform, team members can work more effectively and spend more time on high-impact tasks. This tailored approach means fewer distractions and a smoother workflow, helping your team hit their goals faster.

Better Collaboration

Customised views and dashboards help team members share the right information at the right time, improving communication across departments. By having a clear view of what other teams are working on, employees can collaborate more effectively and avoid silos. This alignment fosters a more cohesive company culture and enables teams to work towards common objectives.

Enhanced Data Management 

Tailored data fields and workflows ensure that your team captures and uses the most relevant information. When data is organised in a way that aligns with your specific business needs, it becomes easier to track progress, identify trends, and make informed decisions. Custom data management also helps maintain data accuracy and consistency across the organisation.

Greater ROI

Customising HubSpot to align with your team's needs can significantly boost your return on investment. When teams use HubSpot efficiently and effectively, you get the most value from your subscription. Customised features lead to better performance metrics, which in turn, justify the costs associated with using the platform.

Increased Platform Adoption

hen HubSpot is tailored to fit the needs of each department, it's easier for teams to embrace the platform. Customisation makes HubSpot more user-friendly and relevant, encouraging teams to adopt its tools and features. High adoption rates lead to a more integrated system where all departments contribute to and benefit from shared data and insights.

Now, let’s break it down and see how each department can make HubSpot work for them!


Customising HubSpot for Sales Teams

The sales team lives and breathes customer relationships, and having a CRM that caters to their needs is crucial. Here’s how you can tailor HubSpot for them:

1. Customised Deal Stages

  • Why: Deal stages help track the progress of a sale.
  • How to Customise: Tailor the deal stages in your sales pipeline to match your sales process. Whether it's 'Lead Qualified', 'Proposal Sent', or 'Negotiation', tailor these stages to reflect your actual sales flow.

2. Sales Automation

  • Why: Automate repetitive tasks to focus on selling.
  • How to Customise: Use sales automation features to set reminders for follow-ups, send automated emails after a call, or log activities. This helps your sales team manage their time more effectively.

3. Custom Reports

  • Why: Track sales performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • How to Customise: Create custom reports to monitor metrics such as deal size, win rate, and sales cycle length. These insights help your team refine their strategies and focus on high-impact activities.

4. Task Management

  • Why: Stay organised and prioritise tasks.
  • How to Customise: Utilise HubSpot’s task management tools to assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and track progress. You can customise task categories to match your sales processes, such as 'Client Calls' or 'Proposal Preparation'.

Customising HubSpot for Marketing Teams

Your marketing team needs a space where creativity and strategy meet data-driven decisions. Here’s how to make HubSpot a marketing powerhouse:

1. Custom Dashboards

  • Why: Dashboards provide a quick overview of your marketing metrics.
  • How to Customise: Set up dashboards that show key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, lead conversions, and social media engagement. You can tailor these dashboards by selecting the most relevant reports and arranging them in a way that makes sense for your team.

Take a look at our free guide "How to Leverage HubSpot Reporting" to dive deeper into custom dashboard and HubSpot reporting tools!

hubspot reporting tips

2. Tailored Workflows

  • Why: Automating marketing tasks saves time and ensures consistency.
  • How to Customise: Create workflows for lead nurturing campaigns, email sequences, and follow-up reminders. You can use triggers like form submissions or email opens to initiate these workflows.

3. Custom Contact Properties

  • Why: Capture the most relevant information about your leads.
  • How to Customise: Add custom contact properties to segment your audience better. For example, if your marketing team needs to know the industry or company size of a lead, you can create custom fields to capture this data.

4. Personalised Email Templates

  • Why: Consistent and professional communication is crucial.
  • How to Customise: Develop email templates that reflect your brand's voice and include personalisation tokens to address recipients by name or company. This ensures every communication feels personal.

Customising HubSpot for Customer Service Teams

Your customer service team is the frontline for customer satisfaction. Tailoring HubSpot to their needs can help them resolve issues quickly and efficiently:

1. Custom Ticket Pipelines

  • Why: Manage customer issues effectively.
  • How to Customise: Create custom ticket pipelines with stages that match your support process. This might include stages like 'New Ticket', 'In Progress', and 'Resolved'.

2. Knowledge Base & AI Chatbot Integration 

  • Why: Provide customers with self-service options.
  • How to Customise: Set up knowledge base or AI chatbots within HubSpot where customers can find answers to common questions easily. Create your articles based on common queries your team receives.

3. Automated Feedback Surveys

  • Why: Gather insights into customer satisfaction.
  • How to Customise: Use HubSpot's survey tools to send automated feedback requests after a support interaction. Customise questions to focus on specific aspects of the service experience.

4. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

  • Why: Ensure timely responses to customer enquiries.
  • How to Customise: Define SLAs in HubSpot to set expectations for response times. Customise these agreements based on the priority or type of issue, and track compliance with automated notifications.

Customising HubSpot for Operations Teams

Operations teams ensure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. Here’s how to tailor HubSpot for operational efficiency:

1. Workflow Automations

  • Why: Streamline internal processes.
  • How to Customise: Create workflows for routine tasks such as onboarding new clients, approving documents, or managing follow-ups. Customise triggers and actions to align with your internal processes.

2. Custom Properties for Data Management

  • Why: Maintain accurate and relevant data.
  • How to Customise: Add custom properties to contacts, companies, or deals to capture the specific data your operations team needs. This could include contract renewal dates or preferred suppliers.

3. Project Management Integration

  • Why: Coordinate projects effectively.
  • How to Customise: Integrate HubSpot with project management tools to keep track of tasks and deadlines. Customise task categories and project templates to match your team’s workflows.

4. Analytics and Reporting

  • Why: Make data-driven decisions.
  • How to Customise: Build custom reports and dashboards that provide insights into operational metrics such as process efficiency, resource allocation, and budget tracking.

To Conclude

Customising HubSpot to fit the unique needs of each team can greatly enhance your organisation’s productivity and efficiency. By taking advantage of HubSpot's flexible features, you can create a tailored environment that empowers your teams to do their best work. Remember, the key is to start with your specific goals and build from there, making adjustments as needed to optimise your processes. Happy customising!

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