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Here’s How A HubSpot Customer Portal Can Improve Your Business

August 03, 2022

A customer or membership portal can bring numerous benefits to both the business and its members.

A customer or membership portal (a CMS Hub Enterprise feature) can bring numerous benefits to both the business and its members. By gating content behind a login, you can gain valuable insight into what content is popular amongst your customers.

Our resident developer, Bachot has created a demo video explaining how a membership portal could look like.

You can watch this video below.


Alongside that, here are some additional perks of using HubSpot to build your own client membership portal.

1. Segmenting content for specific contacts

The first and most immediate benefit of setting up a membership portal is that it can help you segment your content. 

With this feature, you can also restrict access to certain types of content - whether that means gated blog posts, ebooks, or other downloadable resources.

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2. Segment leads from resource engagement

The membership portal can also allow you to segment your leads based on the kind of content they’re interested in. 

So, if someone downloads an ebook from your membership portal, you know they’re interested in that topic. This information can be helpful when you’re crafting future marketing campaigns or initiating sales conversations.

3. Give your clients or customers a personalised experience

When people sign in to your membership portal, they’re greeted with a personalised dashboard. 

This dashboard can include custom content recommendations, tracking the statuses of their logged tickets, as well as links to their favourite resources. 

By providing this personalised experience, you can encourage loyalty and build deeper relationships with your clients.

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4. Get a clear overview of your customer’s relationship with your business

The membership portal gives you a 360 degree view of your customers, so you can provide them with the best possible experience by keeping track of their activity. 

It gives you a way to keep on top of everything and enables you to make sure your customers' questions are answered and problems solved.

Connect with BBD Boom to see how we can help with your own portal

Overall, setting up a membership portal on HubSpot is a great way to segment your content and give exclusive access to certain types of resources. 

Along with maximising your CRM’s data. If you’re looking for another way to engage with your clients, this could be a great option!

If you would like to learn more about how BBD Boom can help you set up a membership portal on HubSpot, reach out to us today! 


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