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What Is An Inbound Marketing Agency

Written by Emma Lynch | Jul 8, 2021 6:00:00 AM

We’re sure you’ve heard of ‘inbound marketing agency’ before, but alas, if this term is nothing but a buzzword for you, then you’ve come to the correct place. 

Before we begin, let’s just get one thing straight: Inbound marketing is not a fancy concept that is specifically created for advertising and media agencies. Almost everyone can use it and benefit from it. Including yourself. 

Back to the original question—what is an inbound marketing agency? It’s us. We are an inbound bound marketing agency, and here’s the work that we do: 

  1. Partner with clients to present them with unique and innovative content strategies that will make their business grow. 
  2. Curate campaigns that are specifically designed for predefined target audiences. 
  3. Find the best possible marketing channels for your business and how you optimise your presence on the said channels.
  4. Help you bring in quality leads that will make your business boom and ensure return on investment.

The point being, that’s exactly the role of an inbound agency—to help their clients achieve the best results through marketing efforts. Rather, that’s the role of any marketing agency. So, what’s so special about the ‘inbound marketing’ tag? 

Well, traditional marketing agencies attempt to use their clients' budget for spreading a message, reaching out to their local audience, and using different channels to widen reach. However, that’s the entire task—just to spread out a message. Nothing more, nothing less. 

With inbound marketing, you channel all your efforts (and money) to not only do the above, but to also bring the quality leads you desire at the same time. If given the opportunity to spend £100 and choose between telling people that you’re a great business, versus telling people that you’re a great business and bringing in leads that make the said £100 into £10,000, wouldn’t you go for the latter? 

Well, so would we. This is why we go with the ‘inbound agency’ tag, so that we can help all our customers get the return they want on their marketing budget. 

Now, time for the bigger question. What is the relationship of an inbound marketing agency with sales and marketing?

Relationship with Marketing

We’ll let you in on a secret: an inbound marketing agency is reliant on content. Good content. Great content. Content that not only speaks of an idea, but rather brings forward an aspect so huge that it ultimately draws your attention. Do you remember having something from your childhood that was so great that you still search for it? Yeah, content like that. For us, ‘content is king’ is not another proverb—we work very hard to make our content one of the key drivers for success. 

But naturally, that is the glue of the marketing activities within an inbound agency, and here’s how we achieve it: 

  1. We provide training on what channels and which strategies to use.
  2. We create content and digital acquisition campaigns for you.
  3. We ideate themes, create content calendars, and help you with your marketing budget. 
  4. We provide an A to Z bulletproof strategy that will help you reach your goals.
  5. Most importantly, we create buyer personas and help you define your correct target market—this, in particular, is our speciality and our personal recipe for making every campaign successful.

Relationship with Sales

However, even the best marketing strategy can turn out to be non-fruitful if you don't have a stellar sales team to take charge of every opportunity and lead generated. Thankfully, we provide services that will make your sales team look like something straight out of Wall Street—no exaggeration necessary. Here are our offered services: 

  1. We provide specialised training in HubSpot. 
  2. We create strategies that can help even the best sales team.
  3. We help you understand the leads and opportunities that come your way.
  4. Our team assists you in building the right connections that you can use at the right time. 
  5. We take away the admin headache of your sales team. 

Relationship with HubSpot

Speaking of HubSpot, did you know that we’re a HubSpot Diamond Partner? We also provide training services and are there to assist you with everything related to HubSpot. Inbound marketing agencies like BBD Boom also use a niche variety of platforms to give our customers the best services possible. Here are the tools within HubSpot that allow us to excel at inbound marketing: 

  1. Social media (because the whole world is going digital)
  2. Email marketing (you’d be surprised how many good leads compelling emails can bring).
  3. Landing pages (better to have the data of a potential new customer, don’t you think?)
  4. Forms (the better way of saying, ‘give us all your information.’)
  5. The HubSpot CRM (Yes, just HubSpot in itself. But we’re not the only inbound marketing agency that uses HubSpot, we’re, however, one of the few with a Diamond Partner tag.)

Now that you’ve read through this, we’re sure you must be wondering if an inbound marketing agency is the answer to your prayers or if it’s just a fad. Truth be told, it depends on your business, but for those who need a quick answer to that question, you belong in the golden category of ‘yes, I need an inbound marketing agency’ if the answer to the following questions is a yes:

  1. You want to grow your business and attract quality leads.
  2. You wish to have a dedicated team of professionals who are there to guide you with marketing and sales activities.
  3. You need to see the bigger picture to grow your business.
  4. You’d like to optimise your marketing expenditure and want to make sure that your content only reaches your target audience.

Was it a yes? If it was, then congratulations, you are on your way to exponential growth. The next steps are to find an inbound marketing agency that best fits your needs. Speaking of which, have we introduced ourselves to you? We’re BBD Boom, one of the UK's top inbound marketing agencies and a HubSpot Diamond Partner. We’ve helped countless brands achieve success on a massive scale and we’re sure that we can help you too. Irrespective of your query, we’re here to assist you with it. 

Get in touch today here!