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When to Outsource Marketing Campaign Management

September 09, 2024

Discover when it's time to outsource your marketing campaign management to boost your team's efficiency, maximise performance and drive growth.
When to Outsource Marketing Campaign Management

Our HubSpot Campaign Management services are designed to bridge the gap between strategy and execution, ensuring your marketing campaigns reach their full potential and seamlessly convert prospects into customers. If you're not sure whether to outsource marketing campaign management then this blog is for you. Here's the top 10 signs it's time to bring in the experts!

Identifying the Signs: Is It Time to Outsource?

Before diving into when to outsource, it’s essential to understand what outsourcing marketing campaign management actually involves. Marketing campaign management outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring external specialists, agencies, or consultants to execute and monitor your marketing campaigns instead of relying solely on your in-house team. This approach allows businesses to leverage the expertise and resources of seasoned professionals who specialise in various aspects of marketing, ensuring that campaigns are handled efficiently and effectively, allowing you to focus on other crucial areas such as strategic planning, establishing KPIs, content creation and so on. 

Now, you might be wondering, "Why would I want to give up control of something as important as marketing?". The answer is simple: because sometimes, the benefits far outweigh the risks. Let’s look at a key reason to consider outsourcing that often gets overlooked.

1. Your Team Is Overwhelmed

One of the clearest signs that it’s time to outsource your marketing campaign management is when your team is overwhelmed. If your staff is juggling too many tasks, it can lead to burnout, mistakes, and missed opportunities. Campaign set up and management is a time-consuming process that requires constant attention to detail, strategic thinking, and the ability to adapt quickly. When your team is spread too thin, the quality of your campaigns can suffer, leading to lower engagement and weaker results. Outsourcing can relieve this pressure, allowing your in-house team to focus on their core responsibilities while external experts handle the intricate details of campaign management.

2. Small Team or Limited Resources

A small marketing team or limited resources can be a significant barrier to effective campaign management. In smaller teams, individuals often wear multiple hats, handling everything from content creation to data analysis. While this versatility can be an asset, it can also lead to inefficiencies and gaps in campaign execution. If your team is too small to manage all aspects of your marketing campaigns effectively, outsourcing provides access to a broader range of skills and resources without the need to hire and train additional staff.  

3. You’re Not Seeing the Results You Want

If your marketing campaigns are no longer delivering the results they once did - such as lower engagement rates, declining ROI, or flatlined conversion - it’s a sign that something needs to change. Stagnation can occur when campaigns become too routine or when your team runs out of fresh ideas. Outsourcing can inject new life into your campaigns by bringing in fresh perspectives, innovative strategies, and proven techniques that can help revitalise performance and get your marketing efforts back on track.

4. You Lack Specific Expertise

Marketing is a complex and multifaceted field that requires a wide range of skills, from SEO and PPC to content creation, social media management, and data analytics. It’s unrealistic to expect your in-house team to be experts in every area. If your campaigns are suffering because your team lacks the necessary expertise, it’s time to consider outsourcing. External agencies and consultants specialise in these areas and can provide the knowledge and skills needed to execute high-quality campaigns across multiple channels.

5. You Want to Scale Quickly

Scaling your marketing efforts quickly can be a challenge, especially if you’re trying to do it all in-house. When you need to ramp up fast, whether it's for a new product launch or entering a new market, outsourcing can give you access to the resources and manpower you need without the long hiring process.

6. Your Budget Is Tight

Marketing can be expensive, and managing campaigns effectively requires a significant investment of time and resources. If your budget is tight, you might not have the financial flexibility to build a full in-house team or invest in the latest tools and technologies. Outsourcing can be a cost-effective alternative, allowing you to access high-quality campaign management services without the overhead costs of hiring full-time employees.

7. Lack of Comprehensive Reporting

Effective campaign management doesn’t stop once a campaign is launched; it also involves detailed reporting to track performance, identify areas for improvement, and inform future strategies. If your current reporting is lacking - whether it’s missing key metrics, delivered infrequently, or too basic to provide meaningful insights - it’s a sign that you might need external help.

8. Challenges in Automating Marketing

Marketing automation is a powerful tool that can streamline many aspects of campaign management, from lead nurturing to customer segmentation and beyond. However, setting up and managing marketing automation systems can be complex and requires a specific skill set. If your team is struggling to implement or fully leverage marketing automation, it might be time to outsource. Outsourcing to experts in marketing automation can help you set up systems that run smoothly and efficiently, automating repetitive tasks and ensuring that your campaigns are personalised, timely, and effective. 

9. Inconsistent Campaign Optimisation

Optimisation is a critical component of successful marketing campaigns. It involves continuously monitoring and adjusting your campaigns to improve performance and maximise ROI. However, consistent optimisation requires time, expertise, and attention to detail - resources that your in-house team might not always have. If your campaigns are not being optimised regularly, you might be missing out on opportunities to improve results. Outsourcing ensures that your campaigns receive the ongoing attention they need, with experts constantly fine-tuning and adjusting strategies to achieve the best possible outcomes.

10. Difficulty Keeping Up with Marketing Trends

The marketing landscape is constantly evolving, with new tools, platforms, and strategies emerging all the time. Keeping up with these changes can be overwhelming, especially if your team is already busy managing day-to-day operations. If you’re finding it difficult to stay current with the latest marketing trends and technologies, outsourcing can be a smart move. External agencies make it their business to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that your campaigns utilise the most effective and up-to-date tactics.


How We Helped Fidelity Fulfilment with HubSpot Campaign Management

Fidelity Fulfilment, a global third-party logistics provider specialising in omni-channel fulfilment solutions, partnered with BBD Boom to optimise their marketing efforts. Although Fidelity had already invested in HubSpot, their platform was underutilised, particularly in automation and lead generation. Fidelity sought to outsource the technical set up of HubSpot to fully leverage it's capabilities as well as their marketing campaign management, enabling us to act as an extension of their team, enhancing their efficiency while they concentrated on strategic growth. 

We began by firstly migrating their website to HubSpot, then setting up automated workflows to enhance internal processes, and launching targeted campaigns aimed at driving high quality leads. Through regular meetings and data-driven adjustments, we continuously optimise their campaigns, significantly improving lead quality and aligning sales and marketing efforts.

The result was a streamlined, effective marketing process that allowed Fidelity to focus on strategy while BBD Boom handled execution, helping them meet their ambitious growth goals. The partnership continues to evolve, with plans to further integrate HubSpot's capabilities to drive future success. 

Wrapping It Up

Outsourcing your marketing campaign management isn’t about admitting defeat - it’s about making a smart, strategic decision to grow your business more effectively and efficiently. Whether your team is overwhelmed, you need specialised expertise, or you simply want to focus on other areas of your business, outsourcing can offer the support and innovation you need.

If like Fidelity, you feel like you'd benefit from a helping hand then get in touch with us below!

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