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Marketing, Sales and Service Alignment

BBD Boom's Masterplan Workshops bring cohesion and collaboration across marketing, sales and customer service. Find out how we did that for SSG

Marketing, Sales and Service Alignment

The Brief

SSG Recruitment Partnerships are a company that works with recruiters to launch successful recruitment startups, giving them everything they need at launch to hit the market with a bang.

SSG had HubSpot’s full Growth Suite of Marketing, Sales and Service Hub, but every associated process and the points between them were malfunctioning due to lack of strategic direction when implementing.

For instance, marketing had a lot of material that was not bringing in enough leads, and the leads that they were bringing in were not being properly handed over to sales, leading to very few inbound meetings and poor qualification.

In customer service, their misconfigured Service Hub meant that the team had neither visibility into what had and hadn’t been done in the complex business launch process, nor essential insights gained from the sales process. It also led to support requests from existing customers being handled via email and not being tracked against the company record in HubSpot.

SSG could not trust any data in HubSpot, nor could report on anything either. Their investment in HubSpot was futile and created more work than if they did it all manually.

SSG ultimately needed to untie years of cobbled together HubSpot systems and needed a single source for reliable information for marketing, sales and service teams to work cohesively and collaboratively, without the need for manual work.

The Solution

The solution proposed was BBD Boom’s Masterplan Workshop, consisting of three phases; discovery, mapping and scoping.

In all masterplans, the bulk of the engagement is in the discovery stage. Boom worked closely with SSG’s Managing Director, Head of Marketing, Head of Sales and Head of Creative & Support to understand the end-to-end function of marketing, sales and customer service from converting the initial lead to launching and supporting their business.

Once discovery was completed, Boom documented all findings from the sessions in a discovery doc that included information such as their criteria for choosing a business to invest in, what information needed to be gathered in each process, and who should be involved in the various sequences of the launch process.

With the findings from the discovery session, Boom were then able to map out the entire process for each stage of the customer lifecycle in a flowchart. This not only provided a top level overview of how their customer journey should look, but also a detailed dive into exactly what should happen in HubSpot at each stage.

Once the flowchart was reviewed and signed off by SSG’s senior management team, Boom created a detailed scoping document, listing everything that needed to be implemented to support the new process. This included what tasks needed to be generated for sales, what automations needed to be triggered, what manual actions needed doing, what new properties needed to be created, and what KPIs and reports needed monitoring.

The Results

SSG expressed that BBD Boom exceeded their expectations for improving efficiency and alignment across marketing, sales and customer service. For the first time, they had a cohesive, end-to-end picture of what had to happen at what stage, what data needed to be collected at what time and how that information would be used in the future. They also now had a clear idea of what reports needed to be built to monitor how well it was working and where to make changes if not - something they never had before.

Lawrence O’Shea, Head of Marketing at SSG, stated:
“BBD Boom were recommended to us by HubSpot as an all-in-one solution to help us grow our business and prepare it for growth with streamlined and efficient processes. They have been the ideal partner as we maximise our upward trajectory.”

What Next?

Due to Boom’s extensive in-house HubSpot expertise, SSG chose to engage us to execute the project and implement the recommendations detailed in the scoping document. Post implementation, SSG finally felt like they were getting the value and the return on investment in HubSpot after so long using it, so much so that they chose to further engage with Boom by having us create new marketing nurtures and build their website in HubSpot’s CMS Hub.

If you’d like to know more about our Masterplan Workshops

click here to get in touch

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