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Breaking Down Data Silos with HubSpot

Discover how Montgomery Group, a leading trade exhibition organiser, transformed their event management operations and marketing strategies with HubSpot.

Breaking Down Data Silos with HubSpot
Montgomery Group is a prominent trade exhibition organiser, specialising in connecting buyers and sellers across various sectors through in-person events globally. With operations spread across key global markets such as London, Africa, and Asia, they recognised the need for a transformation in how they managed their operational and marketing strategies. This case study explores Montgomery Group’s strategic decision to adopt HubSpot, detailing the challenges they faced with their previous systems, the solutions HubSpot provided, and the resulting improvements in their business operations.
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Before adopting HubSpot, Montgomery Group was experiencing several inefficiencies that influenced their operations:
  1. Complex and Outdated Systems: The company relied on highly complex systems, some of which were outdated, making it difficult to manage data effectively. These systems required extensive manual effort, which was not only time-consuming but also could be prone to errors, hindering smooth operational processes.
  2. Fragmented Data Across Platforms: Data essential for business operations was scattered across different platforms. This lack of integration made it challenging to aggregate and analyse data, as the systems did not communicate with each other. Consequently, valuable insights that could drive strategic decisions were often inaccessible.
  3. Inefficient Customer Communications: The disconnected nature of their systems led to slower and more manual interactions with customers. Without a unified view of customer data, communications were not as timely or effective as needed.
  4. Marketing Challenges: The segmented data and poor system integration affected the marketing team's ability to personalise and target communications effectively. The inability to segment data easily meant that marketing efforts were often generic and not tailored to specific customer needs or preferences, reducing the impact and effectiveness of their campaigns.
Facing challenges with disjointed data systems and inefficient communication platforms, Montgomery Group saw an opportunity to improve their operations and sustain their growth by enhancing their marketing strategies. This need led them to adopt HubSpot, a move that marked a significant shift in their operational capabilities, aligning with their strategic vision to streamline processes and integrate their data management across all platforms. 
Montgomery Group opted for HubSpot as their solution influenced by its ability to meet the company’s specific needs for consolidating data into a single platform, streamline operations, automate manual tasks and marketing features. 
To facilitate the migration and implementation process, they partnered with BBD Boom, a certified HubSpot Elite Partner. BBD Boom conducted a System Design Workshop which was crucial for understanding and mapping out Montgomery Group’s processes. This workshop allowed for a thorough analysis of the existing systems and identified key areas where HubSpot could bring significant improvements. By closely working together, BBD Boom helped Montgomery Group tailor HubSpot’s powerful tools to their specific needs, ensuring the platform was perfectly aligned with their operational goals.
This partnership not only facilitated a smooth transition to a more unified and efficient system but also empowered Montgomery Group to harness the power of custom solutions and advanced data management for better decision-making and marketing results.

“Working with BBD Boom has really helped us tailor and customise HubSpot to exactly what we wanted and needed it for. We know we're getting the most out of the platform as it's been adapted to meet our unique business needs.”

- Alexander Angus, COO at Montgomery Group


The implementation of HubSpot, facilitated by BBD Boom, has brought about transformative improvements to Montgomery Group’s operations. Here are the key outcomes:
  • Centralised Data Management into a Single Source of Truth: HubSpot has unified all data into one platform, making it accessible and reliable, which enhances the integrity and usefulness of the information.
  • Enhanced Team Efficiency and Limited Manual Work: By automating many previously manual tasks, HubSpot has allowed team members to redirect their efforts towards more value-adding activities, significantly boosting overall efficiency.
  • Broke Down Data Silos for Better Decision-Making: The integration provided by HubSpot has dismantled previously existing data silos, enabling a more holistic view of the business landscape and improving decision-making processes.
  • Improved Marketing Efforts: With better data visibility and the ability to segment audiences more effectively, HubSpot has enhanced Montgomery Group’s marketing strategies, leading to more targeted and successful campaigns.
Although the platform is still relatively new to the company, its impact has been profound, streamlining operations and significantly boosting the effectiveness of data-driven marketing initiatives. 
Montgomery Group envisions a broadened application of HubSpot across their organisation, extending its utility beyond the marketing team to encompass sales and potentially customer service departments. This strategic expansion will involve another migration from their current sales CRM, Pipedrive, and is intended to further integrate operations and provide a seamless view of both visitors and exhibitors interactions throughout the company. 
To learn how HubSpot can transform your business operations and explore tailored solutions, book a meeting with us today or get a FREE demo here.

What Our Clients Say

“They have smart people across the board. We plan to expand our work with BBD Boom and highly recommend their professionalism, responsiveness and deep knowledge across the entire HubSpot platform.”

Tracey Palethorpe | Rosslyn Untitled design (62)

“Their project management is excellent and they really do deliver. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend, they will really make a difference to your business. We absolutely wouldn’t have gotten to where we are now without them.”

Kerry Leighton-Bailey | Lumi Untitled design (86)

“The team at BBD Boom have helped us tremendously, we have enjoyed every second. They have reacted quickly and are always on hand to help us whenever we need, no matter how small.”

Alice Hills | Truespeed Untitled design (63)

"Me and my Marketing Operations Manager were so impressed by the audit! Clearly a lot of work and research went into it. It felt like a totally personalised session with vast amounts of added value!"

Verity Raphael | Streetbees Zkk6ufho_400x400

"By taking the additional time to really understand our business and how we work, the great team at Boom have enabled us to get the best from our HubSpot investment"

Elliott Carter | Perspicuity perspicuity icon

"They were very supportive and offered invaluable help to ensure we got the most from our HubSpot platform. I would happily work with BBD Boom again"

Kathryn Reeves | Poweron Platforms 1591800866017

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