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Streamlined Operations and Customer Service with HubSpot

In this success story, we shed light on how Source BioScience benefited from integrating HubSpot for streamlined content management, enhanced customer service and optimised business processes.

Streamlined Operations and Customer Service with HubSpot
Source BioScience, a leading laboratory service partner specialising in histopathology and genomics, has consistently pursued operational excellence. In response to the dynamic business environment, they identified the necessity to streamline sales and marketing processes while ensuring seamless contact management. This case study sheds light on Source BioScience's integration journey with HubSpot and how their collaboration with BBD Boom led to enhanced operational efficiency, elevated customer service, and improved team alignment, setting the stage for continued success in their ever-evolving life science industry.
Before collaborating with BBD Boom, Source BioScience encountered several challenges in their quest to streamline content management, enhance customer service operations, and optimise overall business processes. In this interview, Leisha Hankin, Marketing Manager for Source BioScience, sheds light on how the company benefited from BBD Boom's assistance in integrating HubSpot into their business:
  • HubSpot Implementation and Internal Training: Source BioScience needed to integrate HubSpot comprehensively into their operations while ensuring proficiency among employees as well as initial and continued training on the new platform. 
  • Streamlining Marketing Efforts: Source BioScience also sought to streamline marketing efforts into a single, unified platform, which was paramount for its effective reporting capabilities.
  • Customer Service with Tailored HubSpot Solutions: Source BioScience aimed to enhance customer service by devising tailored solutions within the HubSpot platform, specifically for their customer facing teams. The challenge was to align the platform with their unique operational needs.
BBD Boom's team collaborated closely with Source BioScience to identify and implement specific solutions to address these challenges effectively.
  1. HubSpot Marketing Hub Onboarding: The first crucial step in the integration process was the successful onboarding of Source BioScience onto HubSpot's Marketing Hub. This integration allowed the company to consolidate all their marketing efforts, from email campaigns to social media management, onto a single, unified platform.
  2. HubSpot Sales Hub Onboarding: Building on the success of the Marketing Hub integration, Source BioScience extended their partnership with BBD Boom by implementing the Sales Hub. This comprehensive solution provided the company with a unified platform for both marketing and sales activities, further enhancing efficiency and collaboration between these critical functions. BBD Boom also conducted several on-site training sessions for their team:


  3. Tailored Geographic Enquiry Routing System: To address Source BioScience's specific business needs, BBD Boom's team designed and implemented a highly customised solution known as the "postcode workflow". With many customer-facing individuals, working all over the country and in charge of specific areas, the automated workflow aimed to distribute enquiries on a territory basis ensuring that each one gets answered in a timely manner. 
Through collaborative efforts and strategic solutions, Source BioScience achieved significant outcomes that positively impacted their operations and customer service. The integration of HubSpot's Marketing Hub allowed Source BioScience to expand their marketing efforts. Customised reporting tools provided insights that empowered the marketing team to fine-tune their strategies for optimal results. The adoption of HubSpot's Sales Hub enhanced the communication between teams and became more efficient and effective. This improved collaboration led to a more cohesive approach to customer service and strategy development, including tailored-made solutions such as the “postcode workflow”. In addition, it provided valuable insights into enquiry management and marketing strategy optimisation, resulting in an overall enhancement of customer service and satisfaction.
“We’d definitely recommend BBD Boom when it comes to implementing HubSpot, because of their platform expertise and honest insights into what works, what doesn't, and where improvements or limitations may lie. In particular, Clarinda has been truly amazing throughout our partnership. Despite the complexity of our inquiries, she always made time to support and assist us. Her unwavering dedication has been instrumental in helping us navigate every aspect, ensuring we make the most out of the platform."
- Leisha Hankin, Marketing Manager  for Source BioScience
The Future:
Source BioScience looks forward to further collaboration with BBD Boom. Plans include venturing into sequences and PlayBooks with the assistance of BBD Boom's guidance. Additionally, they aim to expand marketing workflows and leverage AI-generated tools within HubSpot, staying agile in an ever-evolving landscape. The partnership remains committed to driving efficiency and success, adapting to new challenges, and exploring opportunities for growth in the future.
Ready to streamline your operations and enhance customer service like Source BioScience? Contact us today and let's embark on your journey to success with HubSpot integration.

What Our Clients Say

“They have smart people across the board. We plan to expand our work with BBD Boom and highly recommend their professionalism, responsiveness and deep knowledge across the entire HubSpot platform.”

Tracey Palethorpe | Rosslyn Untitled design (62)

“Their project management is excellent and they really do deliver. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend, they will really make a difference to your business. We absolutely wouldn’t have gotten to where we are now without them.”

Kerry Leighton-Bailey | Lumi Untitled design (86)

“The team at BBD Boom have helped us tremendously, we have enjoyed every second. They have reacted quickly and are always on hand to help us whenever we need, no matter how small.”

Alice Hills | Truespeed Untitled design (63)

"Me and my Marketing Operations Manager were so impressed by the audit! Clearly a lot of work and research went into it. It felt like a totally personalised session with vast amounts of added value!"

Verity Raphael | Streetbees Zkk6ufho_400x400

"By taking the additional time to really understand our business and how we work, the great team at Boom have enabled us to get the best from our HubSpot investment"

Elliott Carter | Perspicuity perspicuity icon

"They were very supportive and offered invaluable help to ensure we got the most from our HubSpot platform. I would happily work with BBD Boom again"

Kathryn Reeves | Poweron Platforms 1591800866017

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