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Data Deal or No Deal

September 25, 2019

Webinar Overview

GDPR completely changed the way we approached data protection and security in the UK, but with Brexit looming it could all change again. Will there be a deal, or will we leave with no deal? If there is a deal, how will data protection laws play into it?

Mark Gracey, founder of the Digital Compliance Hub and expert on data protection laws, joined BBD Boom Co-Founder Adam Lewis for a deep dive into what Brexit means for how we approach data protection in the UK. You'll learn:

  • How Brexit will affect data protection in the UK
  • What happens if we leave the EU with a deal vs no deal
  • What assets businesses need to have in place to protect themselves

Learn how to protect your business and its data, deal or no deal. Fill out the form on this page for instant access to the webinar.

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Adam Lewis

Adam Lewis

Co-Founder and Head of Sales, BBD Boom
Mark Gracey

Mark Gracey


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