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Generate powerful insights with HubSpot Reporting

May 13, 2021

Webinar Overview

Watch as HubSpot experts from both BBD Boom and HubSpot to discuss how HubSpot Reports can help you tap into the valuable insights you need to convert more leads, close more deals, and overall, help your business grow.

In this value packed masterclass, we covered:

  • Reporting pain points we hear from our clients
  • How HubSpot can help reach reporting goals
  • Top tips for getting started with HubSpot Reports
  • Common use cases for sales, marketing, and customer service
  • A live demonstration of custom reports within HubSpot
Simply fill out the form on this page to receive the recording.

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Adam Lewis

Adam Lewis

Co-Founder and Head of Sales, BBD Boom
Lisa Kelly

Lisa Kelly

Principal Channel Consultant

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